(+994 12) 537-08-11
1996-2002 Azerbaijan Medical University: pediatric faculty
2002-2003 Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K. Faradjov: doctor intern
2010-2012 State Scientific Coloproctology Center. (RMAPO) Department of Radiology. Moscow, R.F.: resident
Since 2014 Baku, National Oncology Center, Position: radiologist- sonographer
2012-2013 Moscow, Clinic "Rutta". Position: radiologist- sonographer
2008-2010 Moscow, Clinic "Rutta". Position: GP
2006-2008 Baku, Medical Center "Yeni Hayat" GP
New approaches to breast cancer treatment, T. (January 2024)
17th Russian Oncology Congress, R.F. (November 2023)
II Baku International Breast Cancer (October 2023)
II International Oncogastrohepatology Conference (September 2023)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Oncology at the Beginning of Epochs" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of G.Aliyev (June 2023)
Actual problems of oncohematology dedicated to the 100th anniversary of G.Aliyev (June 2023)
TRD 8th National Symposium on Breast Radiology, T.C. (May 2023)
Annual reporting conference of RASUDM 2023 at RMANPO (online format) (April 2023)
The role of ultrasound in modern medicine (May 2023)
International scientific and practical radiological conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of R. Ragimov (March 2023)
International conference on gastrointestinal cancer, T. (December 2022)
5th International Symposium on Uro-Oncology (November 2022)
A new era in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer (September 2022)
The role of ultrasound in the operated mammary gland, R.F. (February 2022)
International Ultrasonography Congress dedicated to the 30th anniversary of RASUDM (online format) (October 2021)
Modern approach to diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors (online format) (May 2021)
Modern approach to gynecologic oncology (ISGO) Israeli Society of Gynecologic Oncology and NCO (June 2019)
5. Azerbaijan-German-Turkish Medical Congress on Radiology, Oncology, Surgery, Gynecology (May 2019)
Russian-Azerbaijani scientific and practical conference on clinical microbiology, antimicrobial therapy (May 2019)
Multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors - scientific conference (May 2019)
3rd German-Azerbaijani Symposium on Radiology and Neuroradiology (March 2019)
Radiological Scientific and Practical Conference "The Seeing Eye of Medicine" (March 2019)
3rd Azerbaijan Symposium on Oncology and Nuclear Medicine (February 2019)
ADHTI Radiology Course Module 5-6 (November 2018)
2nd Azerbaijan Symposium on Nuclear Medicine (May 2018)
4th Azerbaijan-German-Turkish Medical Congress on Radiology, Oncology, Surgery, Gynecology (April 2018)
Advanced Ultrasound Imaging Methods (October 2018)
Application of New Technologies of Ultrasound Diagnostics and Treatment in Proctology, R.F. (June 2017)
Hacettepe Oncology Congress, T.K. (November 2016)
Master class of the Radiological Society of the Netherlands on quality management in radiology (June 2016)
Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the International Thyroid Day NPO (May 2016)
Symposium of Azerbaijan Nuclear Medicine (April 2016)
VII Congress of the Russian Association of Specialists in Ultrasound Diagnostics in Medicine (RASUDM), R.F. (November 2015)
ADHTI Course in Oncological Diseases Radiation Diagnostics (October 2015)
Gynecology and Doppler Ultrasound Course in Istanbul and Gazi University (May 2015)
International Scientific Conference on Oncology: NCO (AZE) and MD Anderson Center (USA) (March 2015)
VI Congress of the Russian Association of Specialists in Ultrasound Diagnostics in Medicine (RASUDM), RF (October 2011)
Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology, Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov. Moscow, Russian Federation: Course on Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics (10.2012-12.2012)
Permission for practical activities in Azerbaijan in the specialty of radiation diagnostics - certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan (04.2014)
Certification exam for doctors - ADHTI named after academician A.Aliyev (12.2015)
Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University. Course on radiation diagnostics of mammary glands and biopsy in Ankara, Turkey (10.2016-12.2016)
Certification exam for doctors - ADHTI named after academician A.Aliyev (04.2021)
Exchange of experience in radiation diagnostics of mammary glands at the clinical center named after I.M. Sechenov (R.F.) (09.2021-09.2022)
Moscow Regional Research Institute (MONIKI) Course on Ultrasound of Head and Neck Vessels (06.11.2023-27.11.2023)
Member of ARC (Azerbaijan Society of Radiologists) since 2024
Member of ESR (European Society of Radiology) since 2024
Member of RASUDM (Russian Association of Ultrasound Diagnostics in Medicine ) since 2011
Hasanova L.N. Ph.D. Rahimzade S.E. The role of ultrasound in determining the increased frequency of various endometrial hyperplastic processes during the Covid-19 pandemic. (Proceedings of the Istanbul International Conference on Gastrointestinal Cancer, 2022)
Hasanova L.N. Ph.D. Rahimzade S.E. Results of an echographic examination of the supraclavicular lymph nodes of the neck using ultrasound during a routine examination of patients with primary diagnosed and treated cervical cancer (Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Radiological Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of R. Ragimov, 2023)