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Aziz Aliyev was born on January 16, 1975 in Baku, Azerbaijan.
He graduated from public school N134 with silver medal and was accepted to the State Medical University of Azerbaijan.
He continued his education in the United States and graduated from the New York University. After graduation of New York University, he continued his education in the Pittsburgh Medical University residency.
Upon successful completion of the 2-year “Head and neck oncology” program at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Oncology center, NewYork, USA, he received the surgeon-oncologist diploma. After confirmation of medical license in Austria, he worked at Barmherzigen Schwestern clinic, Linz, Austria, as the surgeon in the Head and Neck cancer surgery department.
For more than 10 years, he is the leading researcher and surgeon in the Head and Neck Cancer surgery department at the National Oncology Center of Azerbaijan Republic.
By the decision of the Higher Certifying Commission under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, he was awarded the PhD diploma in medicine and the academic degree of “Professor” in Oncology field.
He worked as the Vice Dean of the medical education at the Azerbaijan Medical University.
On December 2015, he was appointed as Rector of the First Moscow State Medical University after I.M.Sechenov Baku Branch.
Professor Aliyev – member of American and European Societies of Clinical oncology, editorial board member of Azerbaijan Oncology Journal, member of Dissertation Council by “Oncology” and “radiation diagnoses and therapy” specialties. Member of Scientific Council at National Oncology Center of Azerbaijan Republic.
Due to his organizational skills and under his leadership in Azerbaijan regularly take place international conferences on diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors with participation of well-known specialist from Europe and USA. He regularly reports the results of his research at international congresses of oncologists in the USA, Germany, Austria and Russia.
Under his leadership, there are 4 PhD dissertations on medical oncology are performed. Professor Aliyev have more than 50 publications, 1 monography, 4 teaching syllabuses and 1 methodical recommendation.
Professor Aliyev is one of the leading specialists in diagnoses and surgical treatment of head and neck pathologies. The most important areas of his scientific and practical activity are diseases of the thyroid gland, larynx, pharynx, tongue, skin and other pathologies of the head and neck. Under his leadership was created complex program for prophylaxis and early diagnoses of head and neck malignancies and premalignant diseases.
In diagnoses and treatment of head and neck cancer Professor Aliyev use most advanced technology: fine-needle biopsy, radionuclide investigation of thyroid, SPECT-CT, radioactive iodine treatment and other methods. Advanced diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the presence of a tumor at early stages and its extent with a high degree of informativeness which allows early-stage surgical treatment.
Married, has 2 children.
Farther Academic Jamil Aziz Aliyev, director of the National Oncology Center, mother – Dilshad Huseyn Aliyeva, dosent at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry university.