Significant results have been achieved in the treatment of lung cancer

The National Center of Oncology (NCO) of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic and the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS conduct joint fundamental and clinical research on lung cancer. more...

Scientific research in the field of treatment and prevention of malignant tumors of the female reproductive system at the NCO

The conditions created at the National Center of Oncology under the leadership of Academic Jamil Aliyev makes great opportunities for scientific research more...

A high awardwas presented to Professor Isa Isayev

On April 15 this year, by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the head of the Department of Radiation therapy of the National Center of Oncology, Honored Scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Isa Huseyn Isayev was awarded the 2nd degree "Labor" order. more...

Methodical recommendations on the algorithm of work of radiation therapists in accordance with the quarantine regime applied during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemichave been developed at the National Center of Oncology

Methodical recommendations on the algorithm of work of radiation therapists in accordance with the quarantine regime applied during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic have been developed under the leadership of J.A. Aliyev more...

National Center of Oncology participated in the XI Congress of oncologists and radiologists of the CIS and Eurasia

XI Congress of oncologists and radiologists, organized by the Association of Directors of the centers and institutes of oncology and radiology of the CIS and Eurasia was started in an online format on April 23. more...