Oncological examination of children was organized in Tovuz and Agstafa


Oncological examination of children was organized in Tovuz and Agstafa districts within the framework of the social project "Little Heroes of the Great Fight" jointly organized by the "Regional Development" Public Union, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs, the Social Services Agency and the National Center of Oncology.

The campaign, carried out by the mobile medical staff of the National Center of Oncology diagnosing precancerous diseases and tumors at an early stage and providing timely treatment, involved more than 1,200 children. Children underwent ultrasound, chest roentgenoscopy and other examinations.

Examinations at Tovuz and Agstafa Central Hospitals revealed precancerous diseases and tumors in a number of children, those at risk were invited to the National Center of Oncology for a full examination and treatment. Patients with other pathologies were provided with recommendations and sent to specialized hospitals.

Medical examinations are planned to be carried out in other regions as well.