Department of Oncogynecology


Development   and application of innovative methods of preventive, treatment and diagnostics of benign and malignant tumors in feminine reproductive organs and bringing  the level of gynecological and onco-gynecological care for women in  Azerbaijan up to world standards, ensuring  our patient with reasonable quality of life are our highest priorities .


All diagnostics ,treatment and follow-up observation methods are based on  latest principles of Evidence  Medicine. Considering the scope of provided gynecological care the department belongs among the largest centers in the Azerbaijan Republic.

Given the complexity of oncology problems, our department cooperates with various specialists in other medical fields, in order to ensure a comprehensive interdisciplinary view and to individually select the optimal method of diagnosis and treatment of the oncology disease.

Advanced educational and research technologies are widely used in our practice.Thanks to direction of our center today we have an opportunity to accept an international experience and introduce it  in our management strategies from international specialists who are visiting our department regularly. In addition to that, the doctors of our department are active taking part in international congresses, meetings and conferences  hold in Azerbaijan and abroad, and also specialist improve their professional level.

The main operative and research directions of the department are urgent and planned surgeries on various cases of gynecological pathologies using laparoscopic access.

Department of oncogynecology is well equipped with modernist surgical and diagnostic equipment ,which allows us to hold our surgical and diagnostic manipulations on high – technological level.

Research directions:

  • Improving of surgical techniques in management of general oncological and oncogynecological cases using modern endoscopic technologies(Laparoscopy , hysteroresectoscopy,transluminal surgery – N.O.T.E.S.), performing an unique organ-preserving surgeries for fertile – aged women with unrealized childbearing function, plastic gynecological surgery.First case of Total laparoscopic hysterectomy using the Singe port (SILS) in Azerbaijan was done in the department of Gynecological Oncology of National Center of Oncology in March 2013.
  • Developing of new approaches and guidelines for    prevention and early stage diagnostics for malignant neoplasms in gynecological oncology. Creating a database.
  • Developing clinical protocol for holding hysteroresectoscopic operations in oncogynecological practice.
  • Developing and implementing clinical protocol «Modern strategy for prevention of thromboembolic complications in operative gynecology” in practice

There are 21 hospital beds in the department.

The employees of department endeavor to improve diagnostics and treatment capacities of female genital diseases involving the latest techniques to improve female reproductive function and health of the female population.