The 3rd Baku Endoscopic Forum was held at the National Center of Oncology


On November 9,the 3rd Baku Endoscopic Forum was held at the National Center of Oncology (NCO) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the support of the Azerbaijan Society of Oncologists.

Well-known gastroenterologists, oncologists, surgeons and pediatricians participated in the Forum.

Deputy General Director of the National Center of Oncology Fuad Guliyev opened the forum , greeted the participantson behalf of General Director of the National Center of Oncology, Akademik Jamil Aliyev and informed them about the activities of the center. He noted that as a result of the constant attention and care of the state the NCO, with extensive cooperation with the world's best-known cancer centers in the field of scientific research, personnel exchange and the use of new innovations, has become the most advanced temple of science and healing in the South Caucasus. F.Guliyev said the event has been held for the third time in Azerbaijan. The 2nd Baku Endoscopic Forum, which was successfully organized last October at the National Center of Oncology, has attracted great interest not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders.

Leading doctors from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, as well as the National Center of Oncology of Azerbaijan gave presentation and scientific exchange was held at the event.

The presentations onfollowing topics were given during the forum: doctors from the NCO Elman Ibrahimov "FACISE classification in patients with Crohn's disease at the NCO", Hajar Hasanova "Endoscopy for children at the National Center of Oncology ", Nigar Aliyeva "Our experience in endoscopic treatment of chronic radiation proctitis",Asad Hajiyev "Experience of endoscopic treatment of scar origin contractions of esophagus and its anastomoses"; Head of Endoscopy Surgeryof Oberig Universal Clinic of Ukraine Vladislav Yakovenko "Endosonography in endoscopist's daily practice" and “Surgery experience in submucosal area”; Head of the Diagnostic Department of the Minsk Pediatric Gastroenterology Clinic of Belarus, Chief Specialist on Pediatric Endoscopy of the Republic of BelarusKiril Marakhovski“Endoscopy of newborns and children under the age of one year” and “Functional methods of study of the gastrointestinal tract and their impact on medical practice”

The endoscopic trainings and live demonstrations by expert moderators on the simulations caused great interest among the participants.

Presentations, discussions and operations conducted at the National Center of Oncology were broadcasted live for doctors from Ganja and surrounding regions through the teleconference at the Central Clinic Ganja Hospital.

The event was accredited by the Scientific Medical Council of the Ministry of Healthof the Republic of Azerbaijan and received 16 CME.

At the end of the Forum, the participating doctors and specialists were awarded certificates.