(+994 12) 537-08-11
Dr. Elshan studied at the Faculty of General Medicine of Azerbaijan Medical University from 1995 to 2001.
Between 2001 and 2003, he did a clinical residency at the Department of Radiosurgery of the Russian Scientific Research Cancer Centre named after N.N.Blokhin in Moscow.
He worked as a researcher at the Department of Radiosurgery of the Russian Scientific Research Cancer Centre named after N.N.Blokhin in Moscow from 2003 to 2006.
In 2007, he took a course on the Endoscopic surgery of the abdomen and pelvis conducted by the Moscow Center for the Training of Endosurgeons on the basis of the State Institution "Medical Center for the Administration of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow".
He received clinical postgraduate education at the Department of Oncourology of the Scientific-practical Oncology and Medical Radiology Center named after N.N.Aleksandrov in Minsk from 2009 to 2012.
Since 2013, he has worked as an oncologist at the Department of Oncourology of the National Center of Oncology.
He defended a thesis on the topic “Radical prostatectomy in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer” under the leadership of Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences S.A.Krasny in Minsk in 2012.
He is an author of 30 scientific papers and theses.