Non-invasive diagnostics in lung cancer


Currently, non-invasive diagnostic methods and their application in clinics are on the focus of oncology research. The main goal of the Lung Cancer project presented by the European Council H2020 MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE (2017-2022) is the research and implementation of non-invasive methods that cost less and can change the course of treatment in a short period of time (2-3 hours). The coordinator of the Lung CARD project is the Portuguese company STAB VIDA. STAB VIDA is a scientific-production company that markets its products in many countries around the world. The National Center of Oncology is one of the 16 partners of the project, which started on January 1, 2017 and will end on October 7, 2022. According to the agreement, specialists of the Molecular Oncology Laboratory of the National Center of Oncology visited the laboratories of STAB VIDA company for 1 month in October-November 2019. Carla Clemente, STAB VIDA specialist in chemical processes and biotechnology, visited the National Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan in June-July this year. During her visit, the peripheral blood of 18 patients with lung cancer was collected and genetic samples were separated from both tumor and the blood material of the same patient using the European certified Dr.VIDA device, and reagents produced by the company (INFARMED: CERTIFICADO CERTIFICATE N.o 231/DM/2020/V01/2020 – FABRICO/PRODUCTION; INFARMED CDM – Código Dispositivo Médico / Medical Device Code – 63130149, 62974408). The results of genetic analyzes performed on non-invasively and invasively obtained biomaterials were the same. EGFR gene mutation was detected in both blood material and tumor tissue of one patient. It is important to note that the VIDA produces reagents for the detection of many infections, as well as the infection of COVID-19.

According to the agreement with the National Center of Oncology, the process of non-invasive detection of mutations important for the treatment of lung cancer continues.

During her trip, Carla Clemente also visited the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS, where issues of future trilateral cooperation were discussed.

2 Dr.VIDA devices and reagents are being used at the Molecular Oncology laboratory of the National Center of Oncology to continue the joint research.