National Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic elected as a full member of Union for International Cancer Control


On August 1, 2015 National Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic continues its active participation in the fight against cancer in the country and in the global scale. Thanks to the attention and care of the country's leadership, sustainable development of the Center, improving technical infrastructure based on high technologies, strengthening scientific capacity, successful results in examination and treatment of cancer patients have allowed active participation of National Center of Oncology in the fight against cancer programs in regional and global levels. Taking into account these achievements, National Center of Oncology has been elected as a full member of Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) in 2015. It should be emphasized that UICC is the largest cancer prevention and fighting organization in the world. UICC’s mission is to bring the leading medical cancer centers and experts together and to focus their efforts on solving oncology problems. The union was founded in 1933 and unites 300 organizations and leading research centers.