The research of Azerbaijani scientists on the diagnosis of human lung cancer has been confirmed by Chinese scientists
An artificial Intelligence on the classification of human lung cancer was created as a result of joint research of the National Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS. The results have been published in the article "Artificial intelligence to classify human lung carcinoma using blood plasma FTIR spectra" (Appl. Comput. Math. (2021, V.20, N.2, pp.277-289, O.K. Gasymov, A.H. Aydemirova, L.A. Melikova, J.A. Aliyev). Although the article was published in 2021, the important results were shown in the 2019 report of the Institute of Biophysics. Blood samples of 47 healthy and 50 patients with lung cancer were examined in the study. Fourier-converted infrared spectra of blood plasma of healthy and lung carcinoma patients were classified by the multivariate statistical method and a healthy-cancer model was created. Anonymous blood samples were tested and diagnostic predictions were made by using Artificial intelligence based on this model. The developed model allows identifying of healthy samples with 80% accuracy and cancer samples with 90% accuracy.
Following the publication of the above-mentioned article, an article by Chinese scientists entitled "Diagnosis of Lung Cancer by ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" was published in Frontiers in Oncology on September 30, 2021. Chinese researchers obtained corresponding results using the method used by the National Center for Oncology and the Institute of Biophysics, and the accuracy of lung cancer diagnosis was 87.1%. These studies show that Artificial Intelligence for the diagnosis of lung cancer developed by the National Center for Oncology and the Institute of Biophysics can be a very effective screening method once again.